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Earn money with Spacebase by claiming your listing!

Step 1: Confirm your email

The system can't match your email?
Please read our FAQ article and get in touch with us.

Turn this sample listing into your own listing

How to claim this listing

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Confirm your email address

To verify the ownership of the email address associated with this listing, please complete the form. Upon submission, we will send a confirmation email. If you are unable to access this email address, please read our FAQ article and get in touch with us.

Space icon

Create a user account

Please create a user account and we will connect it with your listing. You can use the email address that you have used for confirmation in the first step or any address that you own; we will use the email you specify in this step for all further notifications.

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Complete your listing

We initially generated light profiles using publicly available data. However, further refinements, like setting a price, are required to complete your listing and start getting bookings. More information can be found in our FAQ article.